segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011

Carnaval: Dia 1 / Carnival: day 1

Espero que tenham tido um óptimo Carnaval, nós fomos até ao Algarve pois o nosso sobrinho festejava o seu terceiro aniversário na segunda feira (se tiverem curiosidade de espreitar o que fiz para ele, no ano passado, podem ver aqui, aqui e aqui) e apanhamos chuva e temporal e trovoadas, enfim…ainda bem que não fomos lá por causa do Carnaval!!
Mas vamos começar a nossa mini-série dedicada ao Carnaval ou, mais concretamente, a esta fantasia e o que se pode fazer com ela!
I hope you had a really good time on Carnival. We went to Algarve for our nephews’ third anniversary (if you’re curious you can check what I did for him, last year, here, here and here) and we got a terrible weather: rain, storms, thunderlights…I’m really glad that we didn’t go  on purpose for the Carnival!
Anyway let’s get started with this mini-series about Carnival, or rather this costume and what we can do with that!
E a primeira coisa que fiz com ela foi a prenda do meu sobrinho!Bordei o nome dele na parte da frente e cozi uma base de feltro preto à parte de baixo da fantasia:
The first thing I did with this costume it was the birthday gift for my nephew!
I embroider his name at the front of the truck and sew a black felt  base to close the costume .
Em seguida retirei as alças, enchi-a como se fosse uma almofada e cozi feltro vermelho para fechar a parte superior.
Next, I removed the handles, stuff it and sew red felt on the top to close it:
Aí vem a Bombeira Sarinha!
Here comes firefighter Sarinha!
Posso assegurar-vos que foi um secesso, o meu sobrinho e a pequena Papgena fartaram-se de brincar com este peluche/almofada carro dos bombeiros!
I can assure you that this had a great sucess! Both my girl and my nephew love to ‘ride’ the truck!!
Piscar de olho
Blogger's Pillow Party

5 comentários:

  1. Papgena I love your little fire truck costume. Your details are so good, like the ladder and the embroidered name on the front. I am certain that any child would be pleased to have this wonderful creation!

  2. that's really nice, you made it reusable in a different way. I'm sure the kids will have lots of fun playing on it now.

    Hope you're having a better week and you don't get any more technology headaches. I know them well too, lol.

  3. @ Michele: Thank you!!! But I can't take credit for the ladder, she came with the costume, it's print on it. ;)

    @ Maria: Thank you Maria! Unfortunately my pc almost trick me yesterday, again!
    I was preparing today's post and for some time I lost this post!!! :P

  4. AH!! I think this is my favorite!

  5. Que delícia!!! Fiquei maravilhada com a originalidade, a qualidade e a ternura.


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